Photo Editing - Retouching
Photo Editing - Retouching
Photo Retouching by the professionals at Lily&Rose Photography.
Ensure your Photos are optimised to the most beautiful they can be by allowing us to:
Retouch Blemishes
Retouch Complexion and blush
Ensure most beautiful features are promoted within an image -
e.g. exaggerate eyeline/eyes
Slim/reshape body parts
Correct fly-aways/hair
Image Colour Correction
Crop & Straighten
Background/foreground distractions
Blurr & erase to hide distractions
1 hour = 12 Photos
2 hours = 24 Photos
3 hours = 36 Photos
4 hours = 48 Photos
5 hours = 60 Photos
(We can Colour Correct and Touch up x12 photos per hour)